Our Story
Hi! My name is Tara Townsend. I'm a SF mom of two young kids, grand-daughter of holocaust survivors, former fashion exec turned gaming exec, and a feminist spiritual seeker. Last Hanukkah, I got a little bit fed up: both with the tacky disposable holiday decor options on the market, and with the outdated prayers our family was rotely reciting. In a religious tradition so deep and rich, I knew that a more vibrant, nourishing connection with the Divine - and with sacred rituals and objects - must be possible. So on the last night of Hanukkah a year ago, it occurred to me while tossing a tangle of tinsel dreidels into the trash, that maybe we shouldn’t be waiting on chain party stores to evolve the canon of Jewish holiday decor.
So I went on a bit of a modern-day quest. I started reading voraciously about the origins of Jewish rituals, and uncovered shining truths and mystical treasures that lay beneath the ground of our traditions. I learned about Judaism’s roots in celestial cycles, in nature-based spirituality, and in an inclusive world-view that deeply embraces the Divine Feminine. And all of it lit a fire in me. I thought back to a summer spent in Prague, studying Jewish material culture of the European diaspora, and imagined a continuum of contemporary but timeless vessels, high-vibe and heirloom quality, beautiful artisan-made objects designed to hold our family traditions and reflect their light. Having brought to market digital games and fashion pieces that touched millions of people, I also thought surely, if I want these products for myself, I can create them for others too.
Adara is my daughter Lilia’s Hebrew name. It stands for fire and beauty. In honor of her radiant light, and the light of all the sacred females who came before us, this collection of material culture is a wake-up call. It is an invitation to begin disentangling our spirituality from dusty old patriarchal systems, and nourishing our own connections with the Divine. In that spirit, throughout the year, Adara will provide beautifully crafted pieces to enliven and illuminate your own rituals, and we will share stories that carry lost knowledge of the Divine Feminine in Judaism, with blessings and guides that bring new light to old wisdom.
Ring the bells… the Divine Feminine is rising.